Güler ŞAHİN M.D.

Obstetrics and Gynecology,  In Vitro Fertilisation Specialist

Call ahead for an appointment.


+90 312 286 26 87

Interview published in Ankara Life Magazine January 2016 issue;


Güler Şahin, who graduated from Gazi University Faculty of Medicine in 1999, completed her specialty training at Kırıkkale University in 2004. Şahin, who worked in private hospitals after receiving his obstetrics specialty, opened his own practice last year. “I opened my own practice because I wanted to do my job more comfortably and with pleasure.” Şahin says he has always loved his profession. Providing services for his patients in his private practice, Şahin answered the questions of Ankara Life Magazine.


Click for the rest of the interview...

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In the program we made with Ms. Şahla, I answered the questions about IVF treatment.

Obstetrics and Gynecology, 

In Vitro Fertilisation Specialist 


Dr. Güler Şahin